Datasheet WMZ11A-120A221NU Equivalent ( PDF )

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1WMZ11A-120A221NUPTC thermistor

Sinochip Electronics Co.,LTD Characteristics 1. WMZ11A series PTC thermistor is pins resin coated parts. 2. High voltage withstanding capacity:420VAC-1000VAC 3. Small dimension 4. Applied for frequently switching 5. Delayed time stability. 6. Complete parts. 7. Switch life can be 100 000 cycles.

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1WMZ11PTC thermistor

WMZ11 1.應用範圍: WMZ11A 型 PTC 熱敏電阻用於各種螢光燈電子鎮流器、電子節能燈中,不必改動線路,將適當的熱敏電阻直接中跨接在燈 管的諧振電容器兩端,可以變電子鎮流器 、 電子節能燈的硬啟動為預熱啟動,使燈絲的預熱時間�
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2WMZ11APTC thermistor

Sinochip Electronics Co.,LTD Characteristics 1. WMZ11A series PTC thermistor is pins resin coated parts. 2. High voltage withstanding capacity:420VAC-1000VAC 3. Small dimension 4. Applied for frequently switching 5. Delayed time stability. 6. Complete parts. 7. Switch life can be 100 000 cycles.
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3WMZ11APTC thermal sensitive resistors

WMZ11A 型 预 热 启 动 用 PTC 热 敏 电 阻 器 WMZ11A TYPE PREHEAT STARTING PTC THERMISTOR 产品编号( : 产品编号(PARTY NUMBER CODE) 75s HV 331 N U ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ①开关温度 Temperature of switch: 50—50℃ 75—75℃,85—85℃,105 一 105℃,120—120℃ �
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4WMZ11A-105A101NUPTC thermistor

Sinochip Electronics Co.,LTD Characteristics 1. WMZ11A series PTC thermistor is pins resin coated parts. 2. High voltage withstanding capacity:420VAC-1000VAC 3. Small dimension 4. Applied for frequently switching 5. Delayed time stability. 6. Complete parts. 7. Switch life can be 100 000 cycles.
datasheet WMZ11A-105A101NU pdf
5WMZ11A-105A102NUPTC thermistor

Sinochip Electronics Co.,LTD Characteristics 1. WMZ11A series PTC thermistor is pins resin coated parts. 2. High voltage withstanding capacity:420VAC-1000VAC 3. Small dimension 4. Applied for frequently switching 5. Delayed time stability. 6. Complete parts. 7. Switch life can be 100 000 cycles.
datasheet WMZ11A-105A102NU pdf
6WMZ11A-105A151NUPTC thermistor

Sinochip Electronics Co.,LTD Characteristics 1. WMZ11A series PTC thermistor is pins resin coated parts. 2. High voltage withstanding capacity:420VAC-1000VAC 3. Small dimension 4. Applied for frequently switching 5. Delayed time stability. 6. Complete parts. 7. Switch life can be 100 000 cycles.
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7WMZ11A-105A221NUPTC thermistor

Sinochip Electronics Co.,LTD Characteristics 1. WMZ11A series PTC thermistor is pins resin coated parts. 2. High voltage withstanding capacity:420VAC-1000VAC 3. Small dimension 4. Applied for frequently switching 5. Delayed time stability. 6. Complete parts. 7. Switch life can be 100 000 cycles.
datasheet WMZ11A-105A221NU pdf

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