Datasheet DSV321ST Equivalent ( PDF )

N.º Número de pieza Descripción Fabricantes Category
1DSV321STSMD Type Voltage Controller Crystal Oscillators

SMD Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators NEW Lead-Free T V I V V V Symmetry Tr, Tf Load Consult our sales representative for other specifications.

DSV Datasheet ( Hoja de datos ) - resultados coincidentes

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2DSV14196+3.3V Supply EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver

DSV14196+3.3V Supply EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver April 1999 DSV14196 +3.3V Supply EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver General Description The DSV14196/DSV14196T is a five driver, three receiver device which conforms to the EIA/TIA-232-E and the ITU-T V.28 standards. The flow-through pinout fac
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3DSV14196TWM+3.3V Supply EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver

DSV14196+3.3V Supply EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver April 1999 DSV14196 +3.3V Supply EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver General Description The DSV14196/DSV14196T is a five driver, three receiver device which conforms to the EIA/TIA-232-E and the ITU-T V.28 standards. The flow-through pinout fac
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4DSV14196WM+3.3V Supply EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver

DSV14196+3.3V Supply EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver April 1999 DSV14196 +3.3V Supply EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver General Description The DSV14196/DSV14196T is a five driver, three receiver device which conforms to the EIA/TIA-232-E and the ITU-T V.28 standards. The flow-through pinout fac
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5DSV321SRSMD Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators

Vdd Fo Vcont T_stg T_use F_tol Fcntr Idd Vol Voh SYM tr, tf L_CMOS –
6DSV321STSMD Type Voltage Controller Crystal Oscillators

SMD Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators NEW Lead-Free T V I V V V Symmetry Tr, Tf Load Consult our sales representative for other specifications.
7DSV321SVSMD Type Voltage Controller Crystal Oscillators

SMD Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators NEW Lead-Free T V I V V V Symmetry Tr, Tf Load Consult our sales representative for other specifications.

Esta página es del resultado de búsqueda del DSV321ST. Si pulsa el resultado de búsqueda de DSV321ST se puede ver detalladamente sobre la hoja de datos, el circuito y la disposición de pin.

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